FBA stands for “Fulfillment By Amazon”. In FBA wholesale Business model we will research top selling items from different wholesale vendors or from Brands and then after the product meets research criteria we will simply order 50-1000 units and ship them to Amazon Warehouse.
After Amazon receive our inventory then the product will go Live on our Amazon Seller Central and we will start getting orders and Amazon will ship those orders. After we see we are getting out of Inventory on Amazon then we will order more Inventory at wholesaler or Brand.
These are the basic requirements for getting Brand Approval to sell their items online on Amazon.com.
1- Company Name.
2- Address.
3- Phone Number.
4- EIN Number.
5- Seller Permit.
6- Reseller Certificate.
7- Website Domain/Link.
8- Business Email.
We do also provide services for Website Development and Business Email for the Domain.