
Dropshipping on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace Drop Shipping is the hottest new development to hit the drop shipping community since eBay and Amazon.  In this episode, I explain how to get started drop shipping on FBMP.

It’s clear that with billions of users, Facebook is poised to take their share of eCommerce, having already displaced Craig’s List for local junk swapping.  This is exactly how eBay got started, but with their established user base, Facebook may be in perfect position to dethrone eBay.

What if you want to start drop shipping but you don’t want to spend money to get started? The answer at this moment is Facebook Marketplace. Facebook MarketPlace has now introduced the shipping option so you can now list your product and indicate that you are willing to ship it to whoever buys it.

Facebook already has billions of people looking through Marketplace and they’ve already provided a cart for you to sell your items. All you need to do is find items to sell and people are currently seeing success in what called arbitrage. This is basically identifying a product that you think will sell, advertise it on Facebook Marketplace, and when someone purchases it, you buy the product online, ship it directly to your customer and pocket the price difference.